Péter Hegyi.

Péter Hegyi, MD, PhD, DSc, MAE

Director, Semmelweis University, Centre for Translational Medicine

Péter Hegyi, MD, PhD, DSc, MAE is the director of Centre for Translational Medicine and also the Institute of Pancreatic Diseases at Semmelweis University. He is an internal medicine specialist, gastroenterologist, and clinical pharmacologist. He is a doctor of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences and importantly, the chair of the clinical & veterinary sciences section of the prestigious Academia Europaea, which is a key member of the largest advisory bodies of the EU. He runs one of the largest scientific education programs in Europe called the National Education of Scientists Academy. His international recognition in his research field is illustrated by the fact that he has served as president and secretary general of the European Pancreatic Club and as a board member of the United European Gastroenterology.

Within pancreatology, he has played a key role in understanding the pathomechanism of pancreatitis. The scientific community associates his name with the clarification of the role of pancreatic ducts in acute pancreatitis. It is important to mention that he has already designed and is leading more than 10 clinical trials that will be directly applicable to the daily care of patients. He has already published 442 articles, his cumulative impact factor is: 2355, total citations: 8319, Hirsch Index: 49. The best indicator of current scientific activity is the 5-year Hirsch index: 33