Program Overview

The HMS-Egypt Training to Teachers (T2T) program is targeted to an audience of clinician-educators practicing and residential in Egypt who are seeking to develop skills in medical education. These clinicians will be 5-10 years post-primary terminal degree (e.g., MBBS or MD). The program will be comprised of two Egypt-based workshops each for 4 days. Workshop 1 will be focused on Faculty Development and Curriculum Design. Workshop 2 will be on Assessment, Technology, and Communication. 

Jeremy Richards.

Jeremy Richards, MD, MA, FACP, ATSF

Chair of the Department of Medical Education, Mount Auburn Hospital

Designated Institutional Official, Mount Auburn Hospital

Core Faculty in Homeostasis I, Harvard Medical School

A member of the Mount Auburn Hospital and Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center faculty, Division of Pulmonary, Critical Care, and Sleep Medicine