Gordon Schiff, MD
Dr. Gordon Schiff is a practicing general internist and associate director of Brigham and Women’s Center for Patient Safety Research and Practice, Quality and Safety director for the Harvard Medical School (HMS) Center for Primary Care, and associate professor of medicine at HMS. Before coming to Boston in 2007, he worked for more than three decades at Cook County Hospital and was a professor of medicine at Rush Medical College.
He has published widely in the areas of medication and diagnosis safety and was a reviewer and contributor to the 2015 National Academy of Medicine (IOM) Report Improving Diagnosis in Health Care. He chairs the editorial board of Medical Care. He is PI of multiple AHRQ, CRICO, FDA, NSPF, and Moore Foundation-funded projects related to improving medication safety and application of health IT to safer medication use, including the Massachusetts based PRIDE (Primary-care Research in Diagnosis Errors) Learning Network which is a coalition of groups sharing and learning from cases of diagnostic error. He has authored more than 200 papers and chapters including several recent papers detailing conservative prescribing and diagnosis practices as ways to transform current unsafe and costly use of drugs and diagnostic testing.
He is the recipient of an award from the Arnold P. Gold Foundation for Medical Humanism to study professional-patient boundaries and relationships, the Institute for Safe Medication Practices Lifetime Achievement Award in 2006, the 2019 Mark Graber Diagnosis Safety Award by the Society for Improving Diagnosis in Medicine (SIDM) and in 2020 was awarded the John Eisenberg Award by the National Quality Forum (NQF) and the Joint Commission.