Women Leading the Future of Health Care: Breaking Barriers

Join Harvard Medical School on Thursday, March 27, 4:00-5:00 PM ET for an inspiring webinar on women’s leadership in health care. Hear from distinguished women leaders as they share insights, strategies, and personal journeys to help you elevate your career.

  • Program Format

    Is the Master of Medical Sciences in Clinical Investigation
    a Residential or an Online Program?

    The program is residential for both the Translational Investigation and Clinical Investigation tracks, utilizing a blend of in-person and online teaching methods.  The cornerstone of the program is the mentored research experience, which is conducted on-site. 

    What is the weekly time commitment of this degree program?

    Students are expected to attend all lectures in each course, whether they are delivered by in-person or online, and can expect to spend an average of 30 to 40 hours per week engaged with coursework and the mentored research experience.

  • Program Benefits

    • Students become leaders and gain practical experience with individual research projects, scientific writing, and statistical programming
    • An intensive, mentored research experience at a Harvard-affiliated laboratory in Boston
    • Leading clinical and translational research faculty from Harvard and Harvard-affiliated institutions
    • Coursework that stimulates critical thinking with technical training and knowledge in hands-on research
    • Specialized Clinical and Translational tracks with Comparative Research and Clinical Trials pathways for individualized learning
    • An experienced biostatistician will be available to work directly with students to provide support and help them achieve their academic and research goals
  • Specialized Tracks and Pathways for Individualized Learning

    To complement individual learning and development, the program provides students with the choice of a Clinical Investigation (CI) or a Translational Investigation (TI) track and places a core emphasis on practical skills and team-based approaches in each track’s training. Additionally, the CI track offers a Comparative Research pathway and a Clinical Trials pathway.

Ajay Singh narrating the Master of Medical Sciences in Clinical Investigation program overview video.
Program Overview with Ajay Singh