We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.
- Will Durant
Patients place a great deal of trust in us. They assume that physicians and other health care professionals are experts dedicated to providing their patients with the highest quality and standards of care. Naturally, we all want to live up to this expectation.
However, if you are like me, you recognize that the realities of modern health care present challenges that make this goal difficult to achieve and frequently leave us feeling depleted. Administrative burdens, heavy caseloads, inefficient systems, and loss of autonomy are just a few of the factors that can cause us to lose sight of our calling.
It’s all too easy to become complacent and settle for mediocrity. We simply go through the motions, meeting the bare minimum but not giving our all. As a result, we miss opportunities to provide exceptional patient care. Worse, it may lead to poor quality or even professional misconduct.
I believe that embracing excellence as a professional standard not only helps to avoid situations like these but also empowers us to meet the challenges that come with today’s health care environment while bringing out the best in ourselves.
Excellence is never an accident; it is the result of high intention, sincere effort, intelligent direction, skillful execution, and the vision to see obstacles as opportunities.
- Aristotle
The pursuit of excellence is reflected in the ancient Greek concept of Arete, which can be defined as living up to one's full potential and attempting to bring about the best. This idea was central to the values and philosophy of the ancient Greek world, and it may find its greatest expression in health care through our interactions with patients.
Excellence is reflected in our professional commitment to establish best practices and hone our clinical skills to benefit patients. It is dedicating ourselves to our roles in clinical care, research, and education to reduce disease and suffering. We also demonstrate excellence in volunteering, community service, advocacy, and caring for the underserved.
We exemplify excellence by embracing opportunities to improve quality, safety, and patient experience. We act as role models with the highest levels of professionalism, which also means being aware of our limitations and seeking help when needed. It's not about being perfect but about learning from our mistakes and trying to be better tomorrow than we are today.
Pursuing excellence is how we fulfill our mission and contribute to the greater good. In this way, regardless of external factors, our work becomes intrinsically rewarding and serves a higher purpose.
Great acts are made up of small deeds.
- Lao Tzu
As simple as it might sound, we achieve excellence by using our talents to serve others. According to positive psychology pioneer Martin Seligman, we all have "signature strengths" that enable us to achieve personal excellence and fulfill this purpose.
The goal is to incorporate these unique gifts and talents into our daily work to serve our patients better. In health care, this involves going the extra mile for our patients, including being willing to go above and beyond our job descriptions to help them.
I’ve seen it manifested in simple ways, such as a coworker using appropriate humor to relieve a patient's anxiety, a physician helping a patient cope with a difficult diagnosis, or a team member holding a patient's hand while they go under anesthesia.
Understanding the patients' journey and their problems allows us to show empathy and connect on a human level. We want to treat patients the way we would want to be treated or to have our loved ones treated. In this way, I'm reminded that every patient encounter is an opportunity to demonstrate excellence by making a positive difference in someone's life.
We can use our clinical skills to relieve suffering and disease while conveying empathy and genuine care to our patients. Let's commit to making excellence a daily habit and exceeding their expectations. I believe that is where we will find joy and professional fulfillment.
Written by Ted A. James, MD, MHCM
Commitment to excellence. Understanding Medical Professionalism. Eds. Wendy Levinson, et al. McGraw Hill, 2014
Brophy S. “Personal excellence” as a value for health professionals: a patient's perspective. Int J Health Care Qual Assur Inc Leadersh Health Serv. 2006;19(4-5):373-383. doi:10.1108/09526860610680021
Hébert PC. Why the pursuit of excellence matters. CMAJ. 2010;182(2):121. doi:10.1503/cmaj.092209
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