The Program
Program Objectives and Curriculum
In this immersive program, you will explore the latest advancements and best practices in clinical research. CSS is a rigorous training program that will further develop your skills and knowledge in clinical research methods. Throughout the program, you will learn alongside a talented group of peers collaborating to create a deeper and more enduring understanding of the topics.
By attending CSS, you will enhance your ability to:
- Design and perform observational and experimental clinical research
- Analyze, interpret, and present clinical research data
- Write and revise successful grant proposals
- Lead clinical teams across a variety of health care settings
The program emphasizes team-based learning, with scholars working together in teams to collaborate, discuss and problem-solve while also learning from one another. In addition, scholars will have access to program faculty throughout the year for guidance and support.
The comprehensive program curriculum features monthly interactive webinars as well as more than 85 recorded online lectures. In addition to the core coursework, you can personalize your experience by choosing an elective (Secondary Analysis of Clinical Trials, Genetic epidemiology, or Cost-effectiveness and health decision making) that align with your interests. Throughout the program, scholars are expected to develop and submit a research proposal.
Upon fulfilling the CSS program requirements, you will receive a Certificate of Completion. You also will become an Associate Member of the Harvard Medical School and Harvard University Alumni Associations, as well as be invited to the Harvard Medical School PGME Alumni events.
The CSS curriculum is designed to enable scholars to expand their knowledge and sharpen their skills in clinical research.
Program Themes
The Epidemiology Module is designed to provide you with the methods of epidemiology and their applications to clinical research. Lectures explore principles of epidemiology as the importance of measurement, including:
- Types of outcome measures and measures of association
- Diverse array of study designs available in clinical research, including cross-sectional studies, cohort studies, case-control studies and experimental designs
- Types of potential biases, including selection bias and measurement bias
- Confounding and methods for its avoidance and control
- Effect modification
Research Ethics
The Research Ethics module is designed to examine common challenges in the conduct and review of biomedical human subjects research, including:
- Evolution of ethical codes and regulations
- Responsibility of physicians as investigators
- Preparation of the research protocol application and informed consent documents
- Challenges of conducting research involving children and adolescents
The Biostatistics module is designed to provide you with the knowledge to import data into a statistical package from a database or excel spreadsheet considered essential in clinical research. Participants will learn to utilize Stata statistical software and other advanced computing methods for:
- Foundations in biostatistics
- Regression and modeling
- Analyzing longitudinal data
- Modeling regression and survival analysis
- Representing polynomial trends for time (e.g., linear or quadratic) and linear mixed-effects models
- Generating polished, manuscript-ready figures and tables
Clinical Trials
The Clinical Trials module is designed to address key issues in data analysis, treatment regimens and follow-up procedures, and monitoring and interim analysis plans. Faculty lectures will include the areas of:
- Study design and implementation, including different designs
- Endpoints
- Study protocol
- Study population
- Recruitment
- Baseline assessment
- Randomization
- Stratification
- Blinding
The Leadership/Teamwork module is designed to emphasize the importance of leadership development and management in clinical science. Faculty will discuss:
- Concepts of leadership in the areas of leading research teams
- Sharpening personal leadership, negotiation and communication skills
- Use Harvard Business School Case Method teaching to illustrate and learn from case scenarios in an interactive setting
- Cultivating a network of collaborations that can offer support and partnership throughout and beyond the program
Capstone and Assessments
For the capstone project, scholars will write a formal proposal based on an original research question. You will begin writing your proposal prior to the second virtual workshop. Faculty and peers will provide feedback on your work throughout the process. Once completed, the capstone projects will be ranked by a faculty panel. The scholars authoring the “Top 10” proposals will be invited to present their studies via webinars, and all program participants will be invited to attend. The “Top 3” of these presentations will be presented at the final workshop in Boston.
Assessments (Exams/Quizzes)
Participants are required to pass all assessments with a grade of 70% or higher. At the end of each module, participants must take and pass a multiple-choice quiz to receive credit for completing the module.
A multiple-choice midterm will be administered after the first two modules, and a final exam consisting of multiple choice and open response questions will be administered a month prior to the final workshop. Assessments only include questions found in the learning modules (pre-recorded lectures).
Workshop Dates
Workshop 1: July 14-17, 2025 | Budapest/Semmelweis
Workshop 2: November 3-6, 2025 | Live Virtual
Workshop 3: March 17-20, 2026 | Boston, Massachusetts

Our team is excited to bring this collaborative and innovative clinical research training program to Central Europe. Working together, we will be building the research infrastructure of this region while enhancing your skills to be leaders in improving patient outcomes.
How to Apply
Interested applicants should use our online application to apply for the Clinical Science Scholars: Semmelweis University program.
Please make sure you have attached:
- Current Curriculum Vita (CV)
- Motivation letter describing your previous scientific results including any publications and clinical trials patents (maximum two pages)
- Letter of Recommendation
Who Should Apply
This program is designed for clinicians working in clinical research at the faculty level (or equivalent). Candidates holding an:
- MD
- PhD
- PharmD
- An equivalent degree is eligible to apply
The review committee will consider candidates with a master’s degree for admission on a case-by-case basis.
Application Link and Deadline:
Certificate Program Application
Application Deadline: April 18, 2025
Notice of Admittance
We will acknowledge receipt of all applications and maintain all application information in strict confidence.
Students can expect to hear a decision on their application within three to four weeks from the date all application materials were submitted.
Tuition Fee
Program tuition for individuals affiliated with Semmelweis University is $10,000 (USD). The standard program tuition is $12,000 (USD). Program tuition does not include airfare, accommodation, meals, or educational materials.
Accepted applicants may be eligible to enter a payment plan to help budget their tuition. To request enrollment into a payment plan, a request must be submitted in writing to
Payment Methods
Credit Card — Preferred Method
Credit card payments are accepted through your application account. Please refer to your tuition invoice for complete payment details. We recommend that you contact your credit card issuer to pre-authorize your payment.
Wire Transfer
Reference HMS Semmelweis CE – CSRT Program — [Student last name] in the memo section of the wire.
Please wire funds in US dollars to:
Bank Name: Bank of America
Bank Address: 100 Federal Street, Boston, MA 02110
WIRE ABA#: 026009593
Account Name: President and Fellows of Harvard College
Account #: 9372639404- Please inquire with your bank about any fees associated with sending a wire transfer, including any from an intermediary bank. Applicants are responsible for all associated wire transfer fees and should increase the total amount transferred to cover tuition and fees in full.
- Please send a copy of your transaction receipt to to allow our team to both track and process your order.
Make check payable in U.S. Dollars to Harvard Medical School and mail to the following address:
PO BOX 417476
BOSTON, MA 02241-7476Reference HMS Semmelweis CE – CSRT Program — [Student last name] on the memo line of the check.
Additional Information
- We are unable to process payments submitted via peer-to-peer payment applications, such as Venmo, PayPal, etc.
- Cash payment are not accepted.
- An email confirmation will be sent to you upon receipt of your paid registration.
We regret that we are unable to provide refunds should an applicant register then be unable to attend the program.
A full refund will be given should the program be canceled due to insufficient enrollment. Notification of cancellation will be provided at least 30 days prior to the program’s start date.
Semmelweis Scholarship
The Semmelweis Scholarship is $5,000 (USD) tuition reduction. To be considered for Semmelweis Scholarship, you must to fill the registration form from the Semmelweis Foundation for National Healthcare and Medical Training.
No assistance is provided for workshop travel, program materials or other course-related expenses.