The Effective Writing for Health Care certificate program is designed to help you achieve your personal writing and career objectives through key core curriculum and two specialized tracks. Writing for Medical and Scientific Journals helps increase the likelihood of your submission being accepted to a medical or scientific journal and Writing for the Public helps you achieve success in communicating your ideas and opinions via newspapers and magazines.
This program features a blended learning model comprising live workshops, self-paced on-demand sessions, live webinars, and writing exercises that work to elevate your writing skills. These exercises can be tailored to your specific writing goals. Each specialized track culminates in a capstone project, where each participant develops a submission-ready written work.
Assignment of a Faculty Member:
This program gives learners instruction from faculty, editors, contributors, reviewers, and writing coaches from:
Harvard Medical School
Harvard College Writing Program
The New England Journal of Medicine and other leading medical and scientific journals
International, national, and regional media outlets
Private, government, and industry grant organizations
Participants of each specialized track of Effective Writing for Health Care come together throughout the yearlong learning experience for the Core Curriculum, which is designed to improve writing with a focus on:
Foundational Skills
Essential and strategic grammar
Say more with fewer words
Structure writing elements to meet your goals: sentences, paragraphs, and passages
Communicate with greater clarity and precision
Usage, style, and syntax
Make your writing readily comprehensible
Sequence your ideas for greater reader impact
Transitions, topic sentences, and other signposting devices
Quality and Impact
Strategies and best practices for scholarly writing and argumentation
Good storytelling in non-scholarly writing
Write persuasively
Package your work
Formulate hypotheses to support your specific evidence and analysis
Write about moral and ethical issues
Patient-focused writing
Develop and refine your personal writing style
Respond to reviewer and peer feedback
Compose compelling introductions, abstracts, summaries, and conclusions
Ground your claims, hypotheses, and ideas in evidence
Evoke emotional responses from readers
Assess and addressing weaknesses in your arguments, messages, and writing
When and how to tap into your personal voice
Get published in internationally and nationally acclaimed journals, newspapers, magazines, and reviews
Write with dexterity to connect with a broad array of audiences
Make your science accessible
Leverage social media to amplify your message
Engage with co-authors
Understand what your audience wants
Search the biomedical literature
Understand and avoid plagiarism in its various forms
Reference management tools for scientific writing
Develop bibliographies
Achieve higher yield and throughput
Manage your writing focus
Approach writing projects more efficiently: design, timelines, and milestones
Cultivate more effective writing habits
Avoid common writing pitfalls
Write collaboratively
Time management strategies
Navigate writer’s block
Optimize the ideation and planning of your writing project
Each specialized track of Effective Writing for Health Care is tailored for your learning experience to your specific writing and career goals. This includes:
Writing skills-development exercises
Written feedback at key points from your Assignment Editor
Every participant of Effective Writing for Health Care is paired with an Assignment Editor. Assignment Editors are chosen for their writing teaching experience at Harvard University. Your Assignment Editor will provide written feedback as you develop your first two major assignments, a Comparative Paper and a Literature Review, including:
Providing feedback on the outlines of your papers
Providing feedback on the first drafts of your papers
Providing feedback on the revised drafts of your papers
Every participant of Effective Writing for Health Care is paired with a Capstone Reviewer who is chosen based upon the reviewer’s expertise in publishing manuscripts or writing for the public.
Your Capstone Reviewer will provide guidance for your capstone project, including:
Providing feedback on the pitch and outline of your capstone
Providing feedback on the first draft of your capstone
Providing feedback on the revised draft of your capstone
Reviewing the final revision of your capstone and providing guidance to help you optimize its value to you and/or your institution
All participants must complete the following academic and attendance requirements in order to be granted a Certificate of Completion from Harvard Medical School.
Attendance at Workshops
The program features three 4-day intensive workshops. Learners are required to attend and actively engage in all three workshops.
Individual Assignments
The program requires learners to complete and submit on time all individual course-related assignments including writing assignments and quizzes. Learners must obtain a "pass" on the final submission of their Comparative Paper, Literature Review, and capstone Project.
Attendance at Webinars
Live, interactive webinars will be held throughout the program. Learners are required to attend 75% of all required live webinars. If a learner cannot attend a webinar due to an occasional scheduling conflict, it will be possible to view a recorded version and submit an accompanying assignment.